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Blog Articles

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Welcome to Susanne Ramos, MD's Women's Health Blog!

Welcome, ladies!  I'm Susanne Ramos, MD an experienced and compassionate OBGYN based in Santa Barbara. I'm here to be a trusted guide through the vast world of women's health. Get ready for practical, no-nonsense content that gets straight to the point.
Aug 8th, 2023

Why Nurse Practitioners Are Your Partners in Health

In healthcare, collaboration and teamwork are indispensable for delivering comprehensive and patient-centered care.  My Nurse Practitioners (NPs) Andrea Strand and Kirsten DiBennedetto exemplify these values as they work alongside me.
Jul 18th, 2024

SculpSure: Enhancing Your Natural Beauty Safely

I am committed to helping women feel confident and empowered in every aspect of their lives. From pregnancy and childbirth to menopause and beyond, I believe that every woman deserves to look and feel her best.
May 23rd, 2024

Embracing Self-Care: Nurturing Your Body and Mind

I firmly believe that self-care is not just a luxury but a fundamental necessity for every woman. Prioritizing self-care is essential for maintaining our physical, emotional, and gynecological health.
Apr 11th, 2024

Understanding the Benefits of Mona Lisa Touch Treatment

I am constantly on the lookout for cutting-edge advancements in women's healthcare to ensure that you receive the best possible care. Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to a groundbreaking procedure known as MonaLisa Touch®.
Apr 8th, 2024

The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health

In the intricate landscape of healthcare, collaboration and specialization play pivotal roles in ensuring comprehensive care. When it comes to women's health, the expertise and contributions of Nurse Practitioners (NPs) stand out significantly. 
Apr 8th, 2024